CuteChlamyExtraction of RNA from Chlamydomonas

From Takako Kato, to bionet.chlamydomonas February 1995

Here are two methods for RNA extraction we’re using.

1. TRIzol reagent (GIBCO BRL No.15596-026, 15596-018)
This reagent is pre-mixed solution of 50% phenol and 47% GTC. The protocol is very simple and good to avoid RNAse contamination. So I will recommend this if you are not the expert for RNA extraction. I usually get 40-60 micro g of total RNA from 4,0000000 cells (2,30 micro l of pellet)

2. REX Total RNA Extraction Kit (USB No.75000)
Actually, all the solutions in this kit are preparable. So I’m following the protocol only. This protocol is not so simple as that of TRIzol, but will give you cleaner RNA. Yield; 1-1.5mg of total RNA from 1ml of Chlamy pellet by this method.

Good Luck!