Available PhD student position on Microalgal Carbon and Lipid Metabolism

Topic: Manipulating redox balance to increase carbon reserve formation in microalgae Host lab: The lab is located at Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology of Aix Marseille (http://biam.cea.fr/drf/biam/Pages/accueil.aspx), which is part of The French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA), and part of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and University of Aix Marseille … Continued

Postdoctoral Position – Metacaspases in Model Green Algae: Mechanisms and Functions

Position Announcement – printable PDF   This position is a part of recruitment campaign to launch 5-year project supported by Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation and aimed to advance our mechanistic understanding of metacaspase family proteases. The project will develop through a close cooperation between five research groups located in Uppsala BioCenter, SLU and in … Continued

Evolution of Multicellularity and Germ-Soma Specialization Postdoc position available in the Umen lab

The Umen laboratory at Donald Danforth Plant Science Center www.umenlab.org is seeking a postdoctoral researcher for an NSF-funded project to work on the mechanism and evolution of germ and somatic cell differentiation in the multicellular green alga Volvox carteri. Candidates with training in molecular genetics and bioinformatics/genomics, including use of R and other script-based programming … Continued

Synthetic Biology Postdoctoral fellow and PhD student

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières – Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada Synthetic biology has the potential to revolutionize the production of biofuels, chemicals, and others materials. As part of a SynBio-MicroAlgae funded project, the Plant Specialized Metabolism & Engineering Division seeks to develop non-model Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strain for production of valuable plant metabolites with opening for a Synthetic … Continued

PhD position at the University of Liège (Belgium)

Title ReACTs: Organellar Redox Signaling in Plants (Retrograde Arabidopsis Chlamydomonas Thiol Signaling) A 4-year PhD position is available for the project described below in the laboratory of Genetics and Physiology of Microalgae (ULiege, Belgium). The position is open from 1st January 2018. People interested should send their CV and motivation letter to Claire Remacle, email: … Continued

PhD position in the Maria Mittag laboratory within the frame of the International Leibniz Research School (ILRS) in Jena, Germany

Job description (PDF) The Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute – in cooperation with the Friedrich Schiller University, the University Hospital Jena and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology are offering an international graduate training programme. The International Leibniz Research School (ILRS Jena) gives doctoral researchers the … Continued

Position for a Professorship of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, in Synthetic Biology of Photosynthetic Organisms

Job description (PDF) The Faculty of Biological Sciences of Friedrich Schiller University is recruiting a Professor of Synthetic Biology of Photosynthetic Organisms (salary scale W1). It is preferable for a young scientist (postdoctoral stage) working with microalgae such as Chlamydomonas and can be tenured. The position is tenable from 2019. We are looking for a highly … Continued