139 results found matching strain_source: Hegemann

Deposited by Olga Baidukova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, December 2022.

This is a strain with a point mutation E162T in ChR1, generated with SpCas9 nuclease.

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: SpCas9 nuclease
Target gene: ChR1, Cre14.g611300 
Target sequence: ChR1 TGTGGCTTCGTTACGCGGAG (exon 5)
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360), pAphVIII (pPH114)
Mutation: E162T exchange in ChR1

Baidukova O, Oppermann J, Kelterborn S, Fernandez Lahore RG, Schumacher D, Evers H, Kamrani YY, Hegemann P. Gating and ion selectivity of Channelrhodopsins are critical for photo-activated orientation of Chlamydomonas as shown by in vivo point mutation. Nat Commun. 2022 Nov 25;13(1):7253. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35018-6. PMID: 36433995; PMCID: PMC9700795.

  • Locus:
  • ChR1, Cre14.g611300
  • Chromosome:
  • 14

Deposited by Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, December 2022.

This is a Rad51C disruption strain, generated with SpCas9 based on the CC-5887 D5-1 [PH55] strain containing the gene targeting selection construct ble:yfp:mut-aphVIII. Knock-out generated using CRISPR/Cas9 and FLAG sequence CGCCCACGCTAATTAGCGTGGGCGCGTGAG to disrupt the gene of interest. It contains the 185 bp insert including FLAG sequence + an unidentified DNA sequence at the disruption site.

Background strain: CC-5887 D5-1 
Nuclease: SpCas9
Target gene: Rad51C, Cre02.g102500
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360) 

This strain was not published. Please contact irinasiz@yahoo.com before using it.

  • Locus:
  • Rad51C, Cre02.g102500
  • Chromosome:
  • 2

Deposited by Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, December 2022.

This is a Rad51C disruption strain, generated with SpCas9 based on the CC-125 strain. Knock-out generated using CRISPR/Cas9 and FLAG sequence CGCCCACGCtAATTaGCGTGGGCGcgtga to disrupt the gene of interest. It contains FLAG sequence + an unidentified DNA sequence inserted at the disruption site.

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: SpCas9
Target gene: Rad51C, Cre02.g102500
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360) 

This strain was not published. Please contact irinasiz@yahoo.com before using it.

  • Locus:
  • Rad51C, Cre02.g102500
  • Chromosome:
  • 2

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin,
April 2022

This strain was generated by insertion of the gene targeting selection (GTS) construct ble:yfp:mut-aphVIII containing SpCas9 target sites for the human EMX1 homeobox protein gene (Ran et al., 2015) and for ChR1 specific zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) into CC-3403 strain.

Background strain: CC-3403
Target genes: inactivated gene of the paromomycin resistance mut-aphVIII
ChR1 Cre14.g611300


This strain was published in Greiner et al 2017.

Overview of all strains from the Hegemann lab http://www.chlamy.de/strains

Greiner A, Kelterborn S, Evers H, Kreimer G, Sizova I, Hegemann P. Targeting of Photoreceptor Genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via Zinc-Finger Nucleases and CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Cell. 2017 Oct;29(10):2498-2518. doi: 10.1105/tpc.17.00659. Epub 2017 Oct 4. PMID: 28978758; PMCID: PMC5774583.

Deposited by Darius Rauch, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, April 2022

This is a pCRY (CPH1) disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: ROC40-LUC+ (from Takuya Matsuo, see Niwa et al. 2013)
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360)
Target gene: pCRY (CPH1), Cre06.g295200
Target sequence: GACCTAGAGTGTGATGCGCT (Exon7)

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab
Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

From Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, December 2021

This is a ∆KU70 disruption strain, generated with SpCas9 based on the CC125 strain.

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: SpCas9
Target gene: KU70 Cre13.g607500
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360)

This strain was published in Sizova et al https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab114.
Overview of all strains from the Hegemann lab http://www.chlamy.de/strains

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

Sizova I, Kelterborn S, Verbenko V, Kateriya S, Hegemann P. Chlamydomonas POLQ is necessary for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene targeting. G3 (Bethesda). 2021 Apr 9;11(7):jkab114. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkab114. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33836052; PMCID: PMC8495919.

From Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, December 2021

This is a ∆KU70 disruption strain, generated with SpCas9 based on the CC125 strain.

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: SpCas9
Target gene: KU70 Cre13.g607500
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360)

This strain was published in Sizova et al https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab114.
Overview of all strains from the Hegemann lab http://www.chlamy.de/strains

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

Sizova I, Kelterborn S, Verbenko V, Kateriya S, Hegemann P. Chlamydomonas POLQ is necessary for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene targeting. G3 (Bethesda). 2021 Apr 9;11(7):jkab114. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkab114. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33836052; PMCID: PMC8495919.

From Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, December 2021

This is a KU80 disruption strain, generated with SpCas9 based on the CC-125 strain.

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: SpCas9
Target gene: KU80 Cre10.g423800
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360)

This strain was published in Sizova et al https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab114.
Overview of all strains from the Hegemann lab http://www.chlamy.de/strains

Sizova I, Kelterborn S, Verbenko V, Kateriya S, Hegemann P. Chlamydomonas POLQ is necessary for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene targeting. G3 (Bethesda). 2021 Apr 9;11(7):jkab114. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkab114. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33836052; PMCID: PMC8495919.

Deposited by Olga Baidukova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, May 2021

This is a ChR1ChR2 disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: SAG 11-32b mt+
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360)
Target gene: ChR1, Cre14.g611300
ChR2, Cre02.g085257

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

  • Locus:
  • ChR1, ChR2
  • Chromosome:
  • 14, 2

Deposited by Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, May 2021

This is a pCry disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360)
Target gene: pCry, Cre06.g295200

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

  • Locus:
  • pCry
  • Chromosome:
  • 6

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn and Francisca Boehning, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, November 2020

This is a SNRK2.2 (SAC3) disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. Clone D12.
Mutants with a disrupted SNRK2.2 (SAC3) gene show constitutive arylsulfatase expression and can phenotypically screened with X-SO4 dyes (see Davies et al. 1992).

Background strain: CC-125
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAPHVIII (pPH75)
Target gene: SNRK2.2, Cre12.g499500
Target sequence: TAGCGAGGATGTCCAATCAG GGG (exon 1)

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

  • Locus:
  • SNRK2.2 [SAC3]
  • Chromosome:
  • 12

Deposited by Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, September 2020

This is a ChR1-ChR2 disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-5637 RR6-∆ChR1 mt- [PH006]
Nuclease: ChR1-ZFN & ChR2-ZFN
Target gene: ChR1, Cre14.g611300
ChR2, Cre02.g085257
Target sequence: (ChR1) ZFN-L: CCCTCCGCC

Target sequence: (ChR2) ZFN-L: CCACACCGTGCC

This strain was published in Greiner et al 2017.

Overview of all strains from the Hegemann lab

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

Greiner A, Kelterborn S, Evers H, Kreimer G, Sizova I, Hegemann P. Targeting of Photoreceptor Genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via Zinc-Finger Nucleases and CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Cell. 2017 Oct;29(10):2498-2518. doi: 10.1105/tpc.17.00659. Epub 2017 Oct 4. PMID: 28978758; PMCID: PMC5774583.

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn and Francisca Boehning, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, November 2019

This is a ChR2 disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-3403 mt-
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pARG (pHR11)
Target gene: ChR2, Cre02.g085257
Target sequence: AGTGGTTGCGTTACGCCGAG TGG (exon 6)

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

  • Locus:
  • ChR2
  • Chromosome:
  • 2

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn and Francisca Boehning, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, November 2019

This is a CAV2 disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-5075 mt+ (sequence verified clone of CC-125)
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAPHVIII (pPH75)
Target gene: CAV2, Cre16.g665050
Target sequence: GGCGTACCGTCAATCAGCAT GGG (exon 5)

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

  • Locus:
  • CAV2
  • Chromosome:
  • 16

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn and Francisca Boehning, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University of Berlin, November 2019

This is a 4-IPT disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAPHVIII (pPH75)
Target gene: 4-IPT, Cre17.g717350
Target sequence: GGTGATTGTGACGGGGCCCA CGG (Exon 1)

This strain was generated in a collaboration with Prof. Thomas Roitsch.

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab

Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

  • Locus:
  • 4-IPT
  • Chromosome:
  • 17

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, December 2018

This is a PHOT/ UVR8 double disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9.

Background strain: CC-5440 ∆UVR8-I8-E4 (based on CC-3403)
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAPHVIII (pPH75)
Target gene: PHOT, Cre03.g199000

CC-5440 ∆UVR8-I8-E4 mt- [PH050] strain info:
Marker: pArg
Target gene: UVR8, Cre05.g230600

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab
Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

Greiner A, Kelterborn S, Evers H, Kreimer G, Sizova I, Hegemann P (2017) Targeting of Photoreceptor Genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via Zinc-Finger Nucleases and CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Cell 29:2498-2518

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, December 2018

This is a UVR8 disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-3403 (mt-)
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pHR11
Target gene: UVR8, Cre05.g230600

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab
Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

Greiner A, Kelterborn S, Evers H, Kreimer G, Sizova I, Hegemann P (2017) Targeting of Photoreceptor Genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via Zinc-Finger Nucleases and CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Cell 29:2498-2518

Deposited by Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, December 2018

This is a VGCC disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-3403 (mt-)
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pHR11
Target gene: VGCC, g11458

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab
Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

Greiner A, Kelterborn S, Evers H, Kreimer G, Sizova I, Hegemann P (2017) Targeting of Photoreceptor Genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via Zinc-Finger Nucleases and CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Cell 29:2498-2518

Deposited by Irina Sizova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, December 2018

This is a VGCC disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360)
Target gene: VGCC, g11458

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab
Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

Greiner A, Kelterborn S, Evers H, Kreimer G, Sizova I, Hegemann P (2017) Targeting of Photoreceptor Genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via Zinc-Finger Nucleases and CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Cell 29:2498-2518

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, December 2018

This is a COP6 (HKR2) disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAPHVIII (pPH75)
Target gene: COP6 (HKR2), Cre11.g467678

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab
Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, December 2018

This is a COP11 (HKR7) disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-125 mt+
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360)
Target gene: COP11 (HKR7), Cre17.g733150

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab
Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

Deposited by Simon Kelterborn, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, December 2018

This is a PSR1 disruption strain, generated with CRISPR/Cas9. 

Background strain: CC-3403 (mt-)
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pHR11
Target gene: PSR1, Cre12.g495100

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab
Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is an unpublished strain. Please contact ph@chlamy.de before using it.

From Andre Greiner, Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, November 2015

Trippens J, Greiner A, Schellwat J, Neukam M, Rottmann T, Lu Y, Kateriya S, Hegemann P, Kreimer G (2012) Phototropin influence on eyespot development and regulation of phototactic behavior in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 24:4687-702

From Andre Greiner, Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, November 2015

Andre Greiner from the Hegemann lab suggests that this strain be re-selected on Zeocin before analysis.

Trippens J, Greiner A, Schellwat J, Neukam M, Rottmann T, Lu Y, Kateriya S, Hegemann P, Kreimer G (2012) Phototropin influence on eyespot development and regulation of phototactic behavior in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 24:4687-702

From Andre Greiner, Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, November 2015

Trippens J, Greiner A, Schellwat J, Neukam M, Rottmann T, Lu Y, Kateriya S, Hegemann P, Kreimer G (2012) Phototropin influence on eyespot development and regulation of phototactic behavior in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 24:4687-702

From Andre Greiner, Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, November 2015

Andre Greiner from the Hegemann lab suggests that this strain be re-selected on Zeocin before analysis.

Trippens J, Greiner A, Schellwat J, Neukam M, Rottmann T, Lu Y, Kateriya S, Hegemann P, Kreimer G (2012) Phototropin influence on eyespot development and regulation of phototactic behavior in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 24:4687-702

From Andre Greiner, Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, November 2015

Andre Greiner suggests that this strain be re-selected on Zeocin before analysis.

Trippens J, Greiner A, Schellwat J, Neukam M, Rottmann T, Lu Y, Kateriya S, Hegemann P, Kreimer G (2012) Phototropin influence on eyespot development and regulation of phototactic behavior in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 24:4687-702

From Andre Greiner, Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, November 2015

Andre Greiner suggests that this strain be re-selected on Zeocin before analysis.

Trippens J, Greiner A, Schellwat J, Neukam M, Rottmann T, Lu Y, Kateriya S, Hegemann P, Kreimer G (2012) Phototropin influence on eyespot development and regulation of phototactic behavior in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 24:4687-702

From Andre Greiner, Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, November 2015

Andre Greiner suggests that this strain be re-selected on Zeocin before analysis.

Trippens J, Greiner A, Schellwat J, Neukam M, Rottmann T, Lu Y, Kateriya S, Hegemann P, Kreimer G (2012) Phototropin influence on eyespot development and regulation of phototactic behavior in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 24:4687-702

Deposited by Olga Baidukova, Peter Hegemann lab, Humboldt University-Berlin, July 2023

This is a strain with a point mutation E162T in ChR1 and disrupted ChR2. The strain was generated with CRISPR/Cas9.

Background strain: CC-125 mt+, CC5959 (PH106)
Nuclease: (Sp)Cas9 as ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
Marker: pAphVII (pPH360); pAPHVIII (pPH75); pCrZ3 (pPH68)
Target gene: ChR1, Cre14.g611300; ChR2, Cre02.g085257

Overview of all CRISPR/Cas9 strains from the Hegemann lab


Visit www.chlamy.de for more info or contact CRISPR@chlamy.de

This is a published strain. Please cite it accordingly: Baidukova O., Oppermann J., Kelterborn S., Fernandez Lahore R.G., Schumacher D., Evers H., Kamrani Y.Y. and Hegemann P. (2022) Gating and ion selectivity of Channelrhodopsins are critical for photo-activated orientation of Chlamydomonas as shown by in vivo point mutation. Nat. Commun. 13, 7253. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35018-6

Baidukova O, Oppermann J, Kelterborn S, Fernandez Lahore RG, Schumacher D, Evers H, Kamrani YY, Hegemann P. Gating and ion selectivity of Channelrhodopsins are critical for photo-activated orientation of Chlamydomonas as shown by in vivo point mutation. Nat Commun. 2022 Nov 25;13(1):7253. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35018-6. PMID: 36433995; PMCID: PMC9700795.