EMBO Workshop on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas

May 27-June 1, 2008, Hyères-les-Palmiers, France; Organizers: Michel Goldschmidt-Clermont, Carolyn Silflow and Francis-André Wollman Report on the meeting, by Kevin Redding and Doug Cole: Chlamydomonas: a sexually active, light-harvesting, carbon-reducing, hydrogen-belching ‘planimal’. Conference on the Cell & Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas. EMBO Reports 9(12), 1182-1187 (2008). PMID: 18997729 meeting photos by Barb Sears

Earlier Meetings

2002: Vancouver, Canada 2000: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands 1998: Tahoe City, California 1996: Regensburg, Germany 1994: Tahoe City, California 1992: Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California 1990: Delavan, Wisconsin 1988: Cold Spring Harbor, New York 1985: Santa Cruz, California 1983: Cold Spring Harbor, New York